When companies offer their employees the opportunity to attend conferences, workshops or classes, they often require them to sign an employer reimbursement agreement. These agreements outline the conditions that must be met for the company to reimburse the employee for the expenses incurred during the event. Below, we will dive deeper into what an employer reimbursement agreement is and why it is important.

What is an employer reimbursement agreement?

An employer reimbursement agreement is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions for an employee to be reimbursed for expenses incurred while attending a work-related event. This can include conferences, workshops, seminars, and training programs. The agreement typically includes details such as the maximum amount that can be reimbursed, acceptable expenses, and the timeline for submitting reimbursement requests.

Why is an employer reimbursement agreement important?

An employer reimbursement agreement benefits both the employee and the company. For employees, it provides a clear understanding of the expenses that will be reimbursed and the process for requesting reimbursement. This can improve employee satisfaction and motivation, as they feel their professional development is being supported.

For companies, an employer reimbursement agreement helps to limit their financial liability. The agreement ensures that expenses are only reimbursed for events that are work-related and align with the company`s goals and objectives. Additionally, the agreement can help the company budget for expenses related to employee professional development.

What should be included in an employer reimbursement agreement?

When drafting an employer reimbursement agreement, there are several key components that should be included:

1. Eligibility – Clearly define who is eligible for reimbursement. Typically, this is limited to full-time employees who have been with the company for a certain period of time.

2. Expenses – Outline the types of expenses that will be reimbursed, such as registration fees, travel, lodging, and meals. Specify what expenses are not covered, such as personal phone calls or souvenirs.

3. Reimbursement process – Include instructions on how to submit reimbursement requests, the timeline for submitting requests, and the forms that must be completed.

4. Maximum reimbursement amount – Specify the maximum amount that can be reimbursed for each event or per calendar year.

5. Approval process – Outline the process for obtaining approval for attendance and expenses. This often involves obtaining pre-approval from a supervisor or manager.

6. Repayment – Specify the circumstances under which an employee may be required to repay the company, such as if they fail to attend the event or leave the company shortly after attending.


An employer reimbursement agreement is an important document for both employees and companies. By clearly outlining the conditions for reimbursement, it ensures that employee professional development is supported while limiting the company`s financial liability. When drafting an agreement, it is important to include eligibility criteria, acceptable expenses, reimbursement process, maximum reimbursement amount, approval process, and repayment requirements. With this information, companies can create a policy that supports employee growth and development while aligning with their business goals and objectives.