FAUW Memorandum of Agreement: A Comprehensive Guide

The Faculty Association at the University of Waterloo (FAUW) is a professional association that represents the interests of faculty members at the University of Waterloo. They work tirelessly to ensure that faculty members receive the support, resources, and recognition they need to excel in their academic careers.

One of the ways the FAUW accomplishes this is through the FAUW Memorandum of Agreement (MOA). The MOA is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of employment for faculty members at the University of Waterloo. In this article, we will take a closer look at the FAUW MOA and what it means for faculty members.

Purpose of the FAUW MOA

The FAUW MOA serves as a binding agreement between the University of Waterloo and the FAUW. It outlines the obligations and responsibilities of both parties, ensuring that faculty members are treated fairly and equitably. It is negotiated and ratified by both parties, and any changes to the MOA must be agreed upon by both parties.

Key Features of the FAUW MOA

The FAUW MOA covers a wide range of topics related to faculty employment, including:

1. Appointment and Promotion Procedures: The MOA outlines the procedures for appointing and promoting faculty members. This includes guidelines for the establishment of search committees, requirements for job advertisements, and criteria for promotion.

2. Benefits: The MOA outlines the benefits available to faculty members, including health and dental benefits, parental leave, and retirement benefits.

3. Intellectual Property: The MOA outlines the intellectual property policy at the University of Waterloo. This includes ownership of copyright, patents, and trademarks related to faculty members` research and scholarly work.

4. Grievance and Arbitration Procedures: The MOA outlines the procedures for filing grievances and disputes related to employment. It also outlines the procedures for arbitration and dispute resolution.

5. Workload: The MOA outlines the requirements for workload and the workload review process. It also outlines the procedures for requesting workload adjustments.

6. Salaries: The MOA outlines the salary scales for faculty members at the University of Waterloo. It also outlines the procedures for reviewing and adjusting salaries.

Importance of the FAUW MOA

The FAUW MOA is an essential agreement for faculty members at the University of Waterloo. It ensures that faculty members are treated fairly and equitably, and it provides a framework for resolving disputes related to employment.

Additionally, the FAUW MOA is an important tool for attracting and retaining talented faculty members. It ensures that faculty members have access to competitive salaries, benefits, and working conditions, which are essential for attracting and retaining top talent in the academic community.


The FAUW MOA is a comprehensive agreement that outlines the terms and conditions of employment for faculty members at the University of Waterloo. It covers a wide range of topics, including appointment and promotion procedures, benefits, intellectual property, grievance and arbitration procedures, workload, and salaries.

The FAUW MOA is an essential agreement that ensures that faculty members are treated fairly and equitably. It is also an important tool for attracting and retaining talented faculty members. Therefore, it is crucial for both parties to agree on the provisions of the MOA, ensuring that all faculty members are given the support and resources they need to excel in their academic careers.